Learning Management System

On line – Individual Courses – Inductions
Automated Assessments – Group Courses

  • Develop standard courses using the training collateral. The standard course is automatically updated when the collateral changes. Training collateral can be used on multiple courses.
  • SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) compliant
  • Assign personnel to undertake courses within set time frames and monitor course completions.
  • Automatically assess the person’s answers and notify the person if they have successfully passed the course.
  • Conduct Group Courses in the field and have attendees sign that they have undertaken the course.
  • Personnel portal where they can complete their courses and view other important information.
  • Automatically update the persons training records (qualifications, competencies) on completion of the course.
  • Allows for training needs to be analysed and gaps identified.

Training Administrator Dashboard

Manage Training and Courses


Personnel Dashboard

When a person logs in to Rsured they will have access to the Personnel Portal.

The “My Tasks” box lists all the courses that have been assigned to the person and the date the course is to be completed by.

Click on the course and the person is directed to the course details.

Why do digital transformation projects go wrong?

Each year, businesses around Australia experience digital transformation project failure, often wasting millions of dollars. The same businesses agonise over the causes of their digital transformation project failure.  With some engaging expensive consultants to assess and recover failing projects, and others abandoning what originally seemed like well-planned, well-organised projects, destined for success.

Do you want to know why these digital transformation projects go wrong?

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